The Fight Against Modern Slavery

In spite of the progress and enlightenment of the 21st century, modern slavery is a global problem in this day and age. It is estimated according to a 2016 study, at any given time over 40 million people worldwide were in modern slavery, with about 60% in forced labour and about 40% in forced marriages. Over 70% of the people under such conditions are believed to be women and girls, much of modern slavery takes the form of human trafficking.

Due to these rises, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 was published on 10 June 2014. This Act gives law enforcement in the UK tools to fight modern slavery and punish perpetrators. This is done by consolidating Slavery offences and simplifying offences into a single Act. Also, it helps guide the judiciary system in giving perpetrators suitable sentences under the law.

The Act requires all businesses which employ individuals not to partake in any worker exploitation. Also for businesses to ensure salaries are at par with employment duties. Moreover, the work conditions are to be conducive for the labour carried out. If the business is above a certain size, it is to disclose each year actions it has taken to ensure there is no modern slavery in their business and supply chains. This statement is to be made in accordance with section 54 part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

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